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Mollie Moo – Tough few days

The last few days have been a little ruff.  Morning of my last vet visit (Tuesday July 28th) I felt good! But that afternoon up till today I have been lathargic. My eyes, mouth, and nose have been really dry. My mom thinks my mushroom supplements might be too much for me. I might also be dehydrated. I’m drinking water but maybe not enough. I just haven’t felt good.  My mom is making me Water & Gatorade ice cubes. Hopefully that’ll help keep me hydrated.

I did feel a little better this AFTERnoon. Enough to jump up on the fence to see the UPS truck in our neighborhood. This scared my mom because she doesn’t want me to hurt myself. Now I’ll be wearing a leash in my backyard (at least till my boo boos are healed up).

Hope to start feeling better soon 🙂


Mollie Moo and Family


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6 responses to “Mollie Moo – Tough few days”

  1. benny55 Avatar

    Mollie, dear sweet Mollie! This recovery is just not much fun!

    For almost tjree weeks after my Happy Hannah’s surgery, I felt like I had done something horrible TO my dog! But once she started getting her sparkle back consistently I knew I had done it FOR my dog!!

    It’s still early in recovery from .AJOR surgery! Its so hard to be patient!

    A couple.of thoughts though. I don t remember what pain meds Mollie Moo has, but she may need a little increase. They can also make her a bit lethergic and a little woozy too. Quite the “catch 22”.

    Is she eating okay? Wagging tail, alert? Sometimes dogs do need a dose of fluids to help perk them up, even if they aren’t dehydrated. Also, maybe take her temperature just to reassure yourself.

    Of course, check with your vet if you jave any concerns, but it sounds like a pretty “normal” recovery for a large dog.

    Jumping up on the fence to check out the UPS man is a really good sign!!

    Sending kisses for your boo boo!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    1. molliemoo Avatar

      Thank you for all the dear words:) Mollie is doing better. Those few days she was eating but that was about it. She wouldn’t even go out to potty. She has an autoimmune disorder called Sharpei Fever. Her behaviors were mimicking this which is scary. But we are doing better and taking it one day at a time.

      Mollie Moo and Fammily

  2. dobemom Avatar

    Oh Mollie Moo…it seems like recovery is one step forward, two steps at times. Sometimes you have to step back and realize you are still early in your recovery process. Take it easy, take it slow, you will get back to your happy, lively self.

    Paula and Nitro

  3. teammac Avatar

    Oh sweet pup you are bringing me back to our recovery period. I remember the day we brought Mac home from the hospital, the first thing he did was leap onto the couch! I nearly cried from happiness. For the first few days, we let him do what we thought he was able to, until we realized he had done too much and was probably quite sore. After about 1 week, Mac took a couple steps back and I thought he was seriously depressed! He went outside at 11am and didn’t MOVE from under a tree until about 6 or 7pm.

    Recovery is a rollercoaster but just hang on – give it another 1 or 2 weeks and you will be so amazed at where you are today vs where you are then.

    Those Gatorade ice cubes are a GREAT idea! Electrolytes and a tasty way to get Miss Mollie Moo to drink that water.

    Just take a deep breath and let Mollie Moo recover in whatever way she knows how. Lots and lots of rest is key! Especially with our front leggers – it sure takes a lot of energy to relearn how to redistribute weight. But look how great she is doing so far! Just hold on to those positives.

    Talk soon!

    1. molliemoo Avatar

      Thank you for the positive words! The Gatorade ice cubes worked great. We are taking those deep breaths and enjoying each minute we have with each other.

      Mollie Moo and Family

  4. jerry Avatar

    Oh no Molly! Please get well soon OK? Sounds like your Mom is doing good with trying to keep you hydrated. You WILL be healed soon, just stay calm and remember there’s plenty of time for chasing the brown truck later on!

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